CMI Account Set Up


Wordless Book Training


Create a Children’s Ministry Institute (CMI) Account

  • Watch the video above
  • Go to CEF CMI (click button below)


  • Click on Sign Up
  • Fill Out the Form and Click Create Account
  • Sign In your CMI Acocount


Watch Counseling Demonstration
(11 minutes)


Click the button below:

STEP 3: 

Watch Seminar Presentation – Part 1
(15 minutes)

Click the button below:

STEP 4: 

Complete the Wordless Book Training Notes

The notes must be completed prior to attending the training session. If you submit your answers online, a digital copy will be sent to your email for record.

  • The notes are based on the 40 minutes video: “How to Lead a Child to Christ” (Step 3)

STEP 5: 

Watch Seminar Presentation Part 2
(40 minutes)

Click the button below:

“Attempt something so impossible that unless God is in it, it’s doomed to failure.” -John Haggai

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Matthew 24:14                        

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